pres on a bear

pres on a bear

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Red Scare

In America the second red scare was caused by many different things. Such as many people starting to fear all the people that are communistic, such as people from Soviet Union and North Korea. These people were the scarier for the American citizens. We as Americans were scared of communists as spies here in America and them also attacking us in America. There were some people that were being watched and the government had their eyes on some of the Hollywood film directors and writers, so then some of them were blacklisted so they couldn’t go and get any more jobs because of that reason.  But then they had stated putting out signs of ways to tell if some one is communistic, if some one is quite or shady they are communistic, if you see them you are supposed to ask if they are communistic and if they say no they are and if they say they are they are executed.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

the korean war

The U.S. being involved in the Korean war was from the soviet union. It is caused by them because they are communist and we figured out how much less we don’t like communism. Communism is not the way to be, but some countries aren’t capable of doing capitalism like we have.  We were on a mission during the cold war and that mission was to stop communism from spreading across the world. The policy that we have and use can be abused pretty easy, the U.S. is able to get its national interest, instead of just fighting for democracy. One of the major factors in the war were from the south Korea was supposedly democratic, but they were also controlled from a dictator.

communism is bad, capitalism is good

In America we have many farmers that do it all by themselves or with their families. They also hire some employees to work for them to help them get there farming done. But in the soviet union you may have your farm, but that farm isn’t yours that’s the “governments” farm. That is what is known as communism. We in America are known as capitalism, we are more free and able to own all our own things. But in communism the government owns everything and takes all the money and all you get is a wage of so much from where you work. In America farmers put all this work into doing there job and they then get a good profit from it. In the U.S.S.R. they put in all the same work we do but all they get is there wage.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Have you ever wondered who dr. josef Mengele and Dr. Shiro ishii is? Have you wondered why you haven’t really ever heard of them before this blog? Well your about to find out who they are and what they did.

Josef Mengele, is also know as the angel of death, he was a german guard and doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp during WW2. He had entered the Nazi Party in 1937 but then went to the SS in 1938. He was wounded during battle in 1942, so then he had volunteered to be sent to a concentration camp at aushchwitz Germany.

Dr. Shiro Ishii was a gapanese surgeon general and medical officer during WWII, he was inbolbed in Unit 731. He was also known for lethal weapon experments. Other people would test on animals and use some what not to lethal weapons but he would use them on actual humans. He used some of the deadliest pathogens in humans history and then study the effects that it had on people

Now I am going to tell you about the movie nanking. It was a very disturbing movie and I thought they only thought that the germans were only ones that we not to nice in war. But I was mistaken now. The Japanese were terrible. I think the Chinese should’ve made them pay for what they had done. But that movie was a good movie for learning about WWII. It was a very good movie but they learn not to do what they did.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Today I am going to tell you about World War 1 and some of the things that had happened during the war. Some of the things are alliances, nationalism, the Assassination of the Archduke.


                In this paragraph you are going to be learning about nationalism. In World War 1 there were two kinds of nationalism. One of them was when countries have tendencies to act under their own national interests. When these kinds of things would happen and other countries would find out, this would result in war. Which this is how World War 1 had happened. The other thing that is part of nationalism is in countries with diverse ethnic populations, these are mainly in central and Eastern Europe.  


                Alliances are what I am going to type on in this paragraph. Alliances are a complicated system of alliances that are developed in the nations of Europe during the late 19 century. Then alliances had designed to bolster for each nations security. Then alliances had then bound the great powers to come to each other’s aid in being attacked. Germany , Austria-hungry were all together by a treaty, so was Russia and France. But then all of a sudden in 1914 this fragile power, this had kept peace for decades, but all of a sudden the peace had turned to war.


                In conclusion I had told you about alliances and nationalism. I told you about the two types of nationalism. I told you some of the countries and there alliances.