pres on a bear

pres on a bear

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bowling for Columbine


                Last week we watched a great movie on the school shooting in columbine, “Bowling for Columbine”. The columbine movie was made to let people know that they don’t want it to happen again. It was the worst massacre in a school ever, it only to two kids with guns that came into the school to shoot children.

            This movie taught us about our second amendment, our rights to be able to own guns. The amendment states that anybody can own a gun unless you have a felony; which means you were caught doing something highly illegal such as: killing people, killing animals out of season, shooting birds that are endangered or protected by the U.S. We all have the right to buy guns when were 18 and buy pistols when were 21 but you can be 18 to own a pistol and conceal carry it.

            Did the media and guns have something to do with the Columbine shooting? We will never know, we have to assume or guess because the kids that did it shot themselves. Everybody guessed and blamed America for the shooting because of the games they played, the things they did, and what they did at the school. The kids that did the shooting used illegal weapons, played lots of shooting and killing games, but they also bowled which wasn’t at all blamed for the massacre.

            Do guns kill people or do people kill people? Well to believe that fact that it takes someone or something to pull the trigger on a gun. So this kind of thing being said its people that kill people. It takes motive and a person built with a lot of anger to want to go kill someone but they use guns because it’s just easier. Now for the people that say guns kill people make me want to say if guns kill people then that means that pens miss spell words and computers make typos.

            If there is anything to make schools safer should we do it or not? If its possible to make everything safer then I feel we should do it just to make sure it doesn’t happen as easy as it would at the time this shooting happened. What does the future hold for America in schools? I believe there will probably be more laws and ways to lock the doors and everything in schools.

            What does the future hold for gun laws? There are going to be more and more laws. It’s going to make it harder to get guns and ammo. For instance right now it’s getting hard to find rim fire ammo.


  1. I agree with your blog for the most part. I do not think that a gun can be fired without human assistance. However, you kind of just "ended" the blog without concluding anything. I am lost on that.

  2. Your blog was pretty good, and I'm sure you like hunting as much as i do. But it does take some one or something to pull the trigger on a gun. My opinion about guns; how can a gun kill someone if they do not pull the trigger, like you can put a gun on the ground and then thinking its going to kill someone, it has to be physically pulled by someone or something.

  3. I agree that people kill people, but I don't think that it has to be anger to kill someone. I also agree that they should do what they can to make schools safer. I think that you are right on the part with the gun laws will make it harder to get guns and ammo.

  4. your right people shouldn't own a gun if they have been convicted of felony because they could strike again one day. this blog really says it all, be careful when it comes to fire arms....make sure you know how to use them first before you even point the gun at something....or someone. Great job on this!!!:)

  5. So I was looking at your thoughts on Obama's executive laws. And your 2nd amendment interpretation is not right. The second amendment doesn't talk about felonies and so forth.
